Archive for April 24th, 2007|Daily archive page

Bitches don’t know ’bout my posting.

I grow sad whenever I see this blog’s views dwindle. I really do. That little line graph is directly proportionate to my overall happiness level. And, when I don’t post in a week, they sure do dwindle. I mean it’s not like it’s my fault or anything. No, the responsibility for regulating traffic traffic is all on you. C’mon…please?

In other news, Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Theme For Theaters is thoroughly enjoyable. I found myself doubled over in laughter for most of it. Although, if you’re not already a fan of the show you’ll be so alienated that the plot will become even more uninterpretable than it already is. (Which is quite a bit.) The soundtrack is also pretty good, as well, with “I like your booty (But I’m not Gay)” as a personal favorite. Go now.